

Chapter 1 - The Big Game

  • Major tensions between Jovian Confederation and CEGA have been building.
  • The La Trance convoy is on route to Torrence Station in the L5 Lagrange Point of Earth. A big exo-ball game between the Jovian Razerheads and the CEGA Diehards is in a day.

Chapter 2 - The Intro to War

Chapter 3 - The Greatest Escape

  • Lt. Gerald O'Conner and his command staff sit around a table and discuss how they plan on getting out of CEGA space. They have three options.
    1. The can head toward Mercury, a neutral ally, but they would have to break through a major baricade.
    2. The can head toward Venus, leans toward CEGA, but they will run into little opposition.
    3. The can push toward Mars but that is a major hot spot.
  • They decide to push toward Venus. However, they have two problems. They have a shadow, and enemy vessel has matched speed with them. The other problem is a small patrol of about 2 or 3 military ships was located in the region when the Vengence arrived and could still be near. Lt. O'Conner decides to have his crew burn hard and match some asteroids that are on route to Venus. He figures by he could loose the shadow and possibly trick the patrol.

Chapter 4 - Into the Abyss